
Baby Nurture is a baby massage course during which you will learn a range of baby massage techniques across all areas of baby's body, to help reduce ailments and discomforts as well as enhance bonding and relaxation. The course also includes a short baby yoga section at the end of each weekly massage sequence, which gives baby a chance to enjoy some stretches (some even prefer this, if they're not a fan of massage). Baby Yoga combines songs with stretches and moves and is amazing for baby's physical and mental development, plus its a great way to play as they grow.
Sessions are designed to support you on the roller coaster that is becoming a new parent and connect you to a like-minded community of fellow new Mamas/parents.
Over 4 or 5 sessions, you will learn massage routines for different areas of baby's body plus a selection of baby yoga moves and songs. Parent wellness sections are also included. You will receive a welcome gift which includes a bottle of baby massage oil (value of £5) plus a professionally printed booklet of the massage strokes.
Week 1 - Legs & Feet
Helps with circulation, co-ordination and cognitive development. Foot routine includes baby reflexology points to help with teething pains, congestion and other ailments. Soothes and relaxes baby. Baby yoga moves and around the circle shares. Weekly DIY photo in floral wreath.
Week 2 - Chest & Arms
Encourages optimal breathing, clears congestion and enhances bonding, hormonal balance, co-ordination and cognitive development. Recap of previous week's routine, plus yoga moves, songs and parent wellness activity. Weekly DIY photo in floral wreath.
Week 3 - Tummy
Aids digestion, reduces constipation, helps to break down wind and supports your baby's comfort. Yoga moves to help with wind and special baby holds are also shown. Recap of previous week's routine, plus yoga moves, songs and parent wellness activity. Weekly DIY photo in floral wreath.
Week 4 - Face
A wonderful way to soothe, relax and bond with baby. Learn areas to help clear congestion and reduce teething pain pressure. Recap of previous week's routine, plus yoga moves, songs and parent wellness activity. Weekly DIY photo in floral wreath.
Week 5 - Back
Strengthens upper back and neck muscles and gives baby a gentle tummy time session, while feeling close to you. Recap of previous week's routine, plus yoga moves, songs and photo backdrop opportunity for yourself and baby. Weekly DIY photo in floral wreath.
If the course length is only 4 weeks, you will still learn all of the above.
You are just as important as your baby and so we spend time to nurture your wellbeing, as well as your baby's. Parent wellness sections of the class might include:
An invitation to share around the circle based on a parenting topic or question
Chance to share your journey of motherhood so far
Some gentle stretches for you
Biscuits, drinks, informal chat with like-minded Mamas
Making a simple craft or keepsake
For baby:
Stimulates digestive system
Can improve sleep
Lowers stress hormones
Releases tension
Increases feel-good, love hormones
Can improve immune system
Stimulates nervous system, developing connections in the brain
Supports physical development
Stimulates brain development
Can help baby to feel calmer and more relaxed
Can help with colic and constipation
For you:
Enhances your loving bond with your baby
Helps you to recognise your baby's cues and minimise stress levels
Reduces stress hormones
Increases loving, bonding hormones
Supports you as you adjustment to life as a new mum
Can help to minimise postnatal depression
Wellness breathing strengthens and tones muscles
Gives you time to relax and nourish your own physical and mental well-being
Wonderful bonding time with your baby