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Feeling afraid of giving birth? Not sure your partner will know what to do? Feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what you need to know and do?⁣

Let me help you 😁 ⁣

I can guide you and your birth partner, step-by-step, so that you both start feeling like a team. Together you’ll be fully informed, with knowledge and skills to support you, to have a better birth experience, no matter what twists and turns come your way!⁣

The next Hypnobirthing course in Ashby is as below:⁣

April 2024 course dates:⁣⁣

🌸 Weds 17th - 7pm - 9pm ⁣⁣

🌸 Sat 20th - 10am - 1pm⁣⁣

🌸 Sun 27th - 10am - 2pm⁣⁣


🌸 Venue: Packington Memorial Hall, Ashby⁣

🌸 Course investment: £235 (book with £50 deposit and pay remaining £185 later)⁣





🙌 Transform your birth fears into feeling calm and confident⁣⁣⁣


😁 Swap feeling unprepared with being informed and knowledgeable⁣⁣⁣


🫶 Get partners feeling ready and comfortable with how to support you⁣⁣⁣


👍 Show you that you do have control and you can feel confident to use it!⁣⁣⁣


👌 Equip you with tools and techniques for ANY type of birth⁣⁣⁣


💬 Get to know other likeminded and local parents to be and have fun learning together⁣⁣⁣


🤰 🤰 🤰 Groups are limited in number so you can get the very best out of this course and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy, feeling calm and confident about your birth.⁣⁣⁣




Why choose a Birth & Bloom course?⁣⁣⁣


🌟 You’ll be taught be me, Dani, Mum of 3 and experienced and knowledgeable Hypnobirthing and Pregnancy Yoga teacher of 5 years, having supported over a hundred parents with over 30 Five star ⭐️ Google reviews⁣⁣⁣


🌟 You'll be joining a course that is known for being interactive, visual, inclusive and most of all, enjoyable!⁣


🌟 You will benefit from around 9 hours of fun, honest and practical hypnobirthing tuition for you and your partner⁣


🌟 You will also receive a welcome pack which includes hypnobirthing MP3s, a beautifully printed course workbook and positive affirmation cards⁣


🌟 This course is developed and adapted over time to offer you the very best hypnobirthing there is available⁣


🌟 Parents continue to share the positive birth experiences they have had since taking this course, even when things go a little off piste! Parents tell me, that my hypnobirthing course, gave them the skills to make their birth a better experience.⁣


🌟 The techniques taught are all tried and tested, both by me and hundreds of other birthing families, so we know they make a positive difference to birth experiences. ⁣

What will is covered? ⁣

Below is an outline of what the course covers (order may vary due to session lengths).⁣


* Introduction to hypnobirthing⁣⁣

* Birth hormones⁣⁣

* Birth environment⁣

* How your body works during labour & birth⁣

* Relaxation & hypnobirthing techniques⁣⁣

* Partner relaxation and massage techniques⁣⁣

* Aromatherapy for third trimester and birth⁣⁣

* Baby’s position & labour⁣

* Preparing your body for birth⁣⁣

* Breathing for labour & birth ⁣

* Navigating the maternity system⁣

* Decision making tools⁣

* What is meant by informed decisions and how to make them⁣⁣

* BRAINS Questioning⁣⁣

* Interventions in childbirth; including induction of labour & Caesarean birth⁣⁣

* How to use hypnobirthing for different types of birth ⁣

* Self-advocacy and a positive, calm approach to whatever comes up ⁣

* The stages of labour & how to use hypnobirthing throughout⁣

* Birthing your placenta & placenta choices ⁣

* Comfort measures, including overview of pharmaceutical pain relief⁣

* Positions for birth⁣⁣

* Rebozo and massage for labour⁣

* Writing birth choices/plan/preferences⁣⁣

* Birth partner’s role⁣⁣⁣

I really hope you’ll choose to join our supportive community of parents-to-be! ⁣

I look forward to welcoming you and bump to a course very soon!⁣

Love Dani x

Hypnobirthing Birth Preparation Group Course April - £235 (£50 deposit)

  • Please read terms and conditions before booking.

  • "Danielle's course was highly informative and has equipped us with a variety of hypnobirthing tools, allowing us to plan for a calm and empowering birth experience. Danielle is a fantastic teacher and the course is well resourced and structured. Highly recommended whether this is your first baby or second, third etc" Amy


    “I really didn’t know what to expect but Danielle’s course was so informative and just the right balance of antenatal information and relaxation. I feel good that I know how I can support my wife.” Chris


    "Danielle's hypnobirthing course was informative, friendly, and a real confidence boost...we have the most calm birthing experience, thanks to everything we had learnt!" Katie


    “Danielle’s friendly and kind approach supported us right from the moment we met her in mid pregnancy, and we began to feel more positive and calm straight away.” Sophie


    "I feel Danielle's positivity has inspired me to be more confident when making birth decisions and she has given me some practical tips on breathing and relaxation for labour. I feel happy knowing that my partner is also now on the same wavelength and was also really engaged with the sessions. Thank you ever so much. Would highly recommend booking with Danielle." Sophie C


    ”After suffering with anxiety and insomnia during my first pregnancy, I was hoping to feel calmer and more empowered during my second pregnancy and birth. After taking the course, I practised the techniques regularly. I had a great pregnancy and was able to stay calm and positive throughout labour and birth using the techniques taught.

    My husband was able to understand the process more from taking part in the course and support me with breathing too. I felt confident to advocate for myself and change positions to make the remaining labour active and efficient.

    I highly recommend Danielle’s course not only for maternal wellbeing during pregnancy but for antenatal education about labour and making informed choices.” Amy M


    “Doing the course with Danielle meant I could enjoy my pregnancy and look forward to my birth experience, without worries or fears.” Maria

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